

Literary heroes are an integral part of literature. They are characters that embody the values and virtues that society holds dear. They are often larger than life, facing challenges and overcoming obstacles that most of us can only imagine. In this essay, I will explore the concept of the literary hero and examine the qualities that make these characters so compelling.

The Qualities of a Literary Hero

The literary hero is a character that embodies the values and virtues of society. They are often brave, selfless, and willing to sacrifice themselves for the greater good. They are also often intelligent, resourceful, and able to think on their feet. These qualities make them compelling characters that we can root for and admire.

One of the most important qualities of a literary hero is courage. They are often faced with daunting challenges and obstacles, yet they never give up. They are willing to face their fears and take risks in order to achieve their goals. This courage inspires us to be brave in our own lives and face our own challenges.

Another important quality of a literary hero is selflessness. They are often motivated by a desire to help others, even at great personal cost. This selflessness makes them admirable and inspires us to be more giving and compassionate in our own lives.

Finally, a literary hero is often intelligent and resourceful. They are able to think on their feet and come up with creative solutions to problems. This intelligence and resourcefulness makes them exciting characters to read about and inspires us to be more creative and innovative in our own lives.

Examples of Literary Heroes

There are many examples of literary heroes throughout literature. One of the most famous is Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird. Atticus is a lawyer in the deep South who defends a black man accused of raping a white woman. Despite overwhelming odds and intense pressure from his community, Atticus never wavers in his commitment to justice and fairness. He is a brave, selfless, and intelligent character that we can all admire.

Another example of a literary hero is Harry Potter from the Harry Potter series. Harry is an orphan who discovers he is a wizard and must battle the evil Lord Voldemort. Throughout the series, Harry faces incredible challenges and obstacles, yet he never gives up. He is a brave, selfless, and intelligent character that we can all root for.

A third example of a literary hero is Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games. Katniss is a young woman from a poor district who volunteers to compete in the annual Hunger Games, a fight to the death between teenagers from each district. Throughout the series, Katniss shows incredible courage, selflessness, and resourcefulness. She is a character that we can all admire and aspire to be like.


In conclusion, literary heroes are an integral part of literature. They embody the values and virtues that society holds dear and inspire us to be more brave, selfless, and intelligent in our own lives. Examples such as Atticus Finch, Harry Potter, and Katniss Everdeen show us the power of these characters and why they are so compelling. Reading about these heroes can not only be entertaining but also inspirational, as they teach us important lessons about what it means to be a hero in our own lives.























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