

The English Premier League, also referred to as the EPL, is one of the most popular and entertaining football leagues in the world. Millions of fans tune in every week to watch their favourite teams and players compete for glory. With the advent of technology, fans now have the added benefit of being able to watch live EPL matches from the comfort of their homes. In this article, we will explore the various platforms that offer EPL live streaming and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Sky Sports

Sky Sports is one of the most popular platforms for EPL live streaming. The platform offers a range of packages that vary in price and content. Fans can choose to buy a day pass, week pass, or monthly pass. They can also choose to subscribe to the platform for an entire year. Sky Sports offers live streaming of all EPL matches, as well as highlights, analysis, and commentary. The platform is available on a range of devices, including smart TVs, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

Advantages of Sky Sports

One of the main advantages of Sky Sports is the quality of its live streams. The platform offers high-definition streams that are reliable and stable. Sky Sports also offers a range of content, including live matches, highlights, and analysis. Fans can also access the platform on a range of devices, making it convenient for them to watch matches on the go.

Disadvantages of Sky Sports

The main disadvantage of Sky Sports is its cost. The platform is one of the most expensive options for EPL live streaming, and its subscription packages can be quite steep for some fans. Additionally, some fans may not be able to access the platform due to geographical restrictions.

BT Sport

BT Sport is another popular platform for EPL live streaming. The platform offers live streaming of all EPL matches, as well as highlights, analysis, and commentary. Fans can choose to buy a monthly pass or an annual pass. BT Sport is available on a range of devices, including smart TVs, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

Advantages of BT Sport

One of the main advantages of BT Sport is its affordability. The platform offers some of the most competitive prices for EPL live streaming, making it accessible to a wider range of fans. BT Sport also offers a range of content, including live matches, highlights, and analysis. Fans can also access the platform on a range of devices, making it convenient for them to watch matches on the go.

Disadvantages of BT Sport

The main disadvantage of BT Sport is the quality of its live streams. Some fans have reported buffering and lagging issues, which can be frustrating when watching live matches. Additionally, fans may not be able to access the platform due to geographical restrictions.

NBC Sports

NBC Sports is a popular platform for EPL live streaming in the United States. The platform offers live streaming of all EPL matches, as well as highlights, analysis, and commentary. Fans can choose to buy a monthly pass or an annual pass. NBC Sports is available on a range of devices, including smart TVs, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

Advantages of NBC Sports

One of the main advantages of NBC Sports is the quality of its live streams. The platform offers high-definition streams that are reliable and stable. NBC Sports also offers a range of content, including live matches, highlights, and analysis. Fans can also access the platform on a range of devices, making it convenient for them to watch matches on the go.

Disadvantages of NBC Sports

The main disadvantage of NBC Sports is its availability. The platform is only available to fans in the United States, meaning fans in other parts of the world cannot access it. Additionally, the platform can be quite expensive for some fans, especially those who only want to watch a few matches.


In conclusion, there are several platforms that offer EPL live streaming, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Sky Sports offers high-quality streams and a range of content, but is expensive. BT Sport is affordable and offers a range of content, but its streams can be unreliable. NBC Sports offers high-quality streams and a range of content, but is only available to fans in the United States. Ultimately, fans should choose a platform based on their individual needs and preferences.













goumaiqiangshoudeyouxi,zengqiangruzhudejilv,rangwangbahuoqugengduodeshouyi;caiyongDyinqingweiwanjiadazaoyigequanxinmenghuandexianxiashijie,youxizhongyongyoufeichangxuankudechangjing,dailingwanjiaxiangshouzuicijidexiuxian;weinintigonggengduobutongleixingdexiaoshuoziyuanneirong。keyikuaisuxuanzeyueducaozuo,xiangshougengduoyueduneirong;【fangbiankuaijietiyan】langmanyinyuanziyouxiehou,bairentongpinglangmanxiehou,chuangjianxianmeng,tongmenshixiongmeiyiqichuangdang和(he)三(san)星(xing)Galaxy Z Fold4同(tong)價(jia)!華(hua)為(wei)發(fa)布(bu)最(zui)貴(gui)驍(xiao)龍(long)8+折(zhe)疊(die)屏(ping),底(di)氣(qi)十(shi)足(zu)

2021年(nian)2月(yue),华为发布了(le)Mate X2,售(shou)价为17999元(yuan)。時(shi)隔(ge)兩(liang)年,叠(die)代(dai)機(ji)型(xing)Mate X3在(zai)3月23日(ri)正(zheng)式(shi)发布,起(qi)售价12999元,這(zhe)個(ge)价格(ge)正好(hao)和三星Galaxy Z Fold4的(de)上(shang)市(shi)价相(xiang)同(12+256G-12999元)。目(mu)前(qian)三星Galaxy Z Fold4已(yi)經(jing)進(jin)入(ru)降(jiang)价促(cu)銷(xiao)(優(you)惠(hui)500還(hai)送(song)Buds2 Pro),华为Mate X3就(jiu)成(cheng)了“最贵骁龙8+折叠屏”。

华为Mate X3定(ding)价敢(gan)於(yu)向(xiang)三星Galaxy Z Fold4看(kan)齊(qi),比(bi)國(guo)產(chan)友(you)商(shang)高(gao),和华为在折叠屏市場(chang)的領(ling)先(xian)地(di)位(wei)不(bu)無(wu)關(guan)系(xi)。IDC的數(shu)據(ju)顯(xian)示(shi),2022年华为在国內(nei)折叠屏手(shou)机市场的份(fen)額(e),達(da)到(dao)了47.4%、接(jie)近(jin)半(ban)壁(bi)江(jiang)山(shan),比2-5名(ming)的三星、OPPO、vivo、榮(rong)耀(yao)的合(he)計(ji)市占(zhan)率(lv)都(dou)要(yao)高。




前子(zi)品(pin)牌(pai)荣耀,在去(qu)年11月发布了旗(qi)下(xia)第(di)二(er)款(kuan)折叠屏手机荣耀Magic Vs,起售价为7499元(8+256G)。荣耀在去年1月发布的首(shou)款折叠屏机型荣耀Magic V,起售价是9999元,荣耀Magic Vs算(suan)得(de)上是“跳(tiao)水(shui)式降价”的典(dian)型代表。

其(qi)他(ta)采(cai)用(yong)類(lei)似(si)Mate X3这種(zhong)雙(shuang)屏+内折叠設(she)计的国产折叠屏手机,而且(qie)同樣(yang)搭(da)載(zai)骁龙8+芯(xin)片(pian)的机型,vivo X Fold+是9999元起(12+256G),小(xiao)米(mi)MIX FOLD2为8999元起(12+256G),OPPO Find N2是7999元(12+256G)。价格有高有低(di),但(dan)都没超(chao)過(guo)万元,这三款机型中(zhong)最贵的vivo X Fold+,也比华为Mate X3便(bian)宜(yi)了3000元之多(duo)。

华为Mate X3敢于这样定价,首先是市场领先地位比較(jiao)牢(lao)固(gu),其次(ci)也是“打鐵(tie)还需自身(shen)硬(ying)”,有着眾(zhong)多硬核(he)技(ji)術(shu)的加持(chi),底气十足。

在机身重(zhong)量上,华为Mate X3又(you)做(zuo)到了極(ji)致(zhi),比直板(ban)手机iPhone14 Pro Max(240克(ke))还要輕(qing)。只(zhi)有一塊(kuai)内屏的Mate Xs2,重量約(yue)255克,而多了一块外(wai)屏的Mate X3,竟(jing)然能夠(gou)更(geng)轻,约239克(素(su)皮(pi)版(ban))。

比华为Mate X3还要轻的同类机型,只有OPPO Find N2的233g,不过Find N2占了屏幕(mu)尺(chi)寸(cun)小的便宜,内屏尺寸7.1英(ying)寸,外屏尺寸5.54英寸,华为Mate X3是7.8英寸内屏+6.4英寸外屏,能做到低至(zhi)239克的重量,难度(du)显然更大。

折叠屏支(zhi)持防(fang)水的机型极少(shao),而华为Mate X3支持IPX8防水。根(gen)据標(biao)準(zhun)的定義(yi),支持IPX8防水的设備(bei)在1.5米的水深(shen)中,还可(ke)以(yi)持續(xu)工(gong)作30分(fen)鐘(zhong)以上。在大厂之中,也只有三星能做到这一點(dian),三星Galaxy Z Fold4也支持IPX8級(ji)防水(三星Galaxy Z Fold 3是全球(qiu)首款支持IPX8级別(bie)防水折叠屏手机)。

核心(xin)配(pei)置(zhi)上,华为Mate X3的外屏为6.4英寸2504×1080分辨(bian)率的OLED屏,支持1-120Hz LTPO自適(shi)應(ying)刷(shua)新率,1440Hz高頻(pin)PWM調(tiao)光(guang),而且使(shi)用的是耐(nai)摔(shuai)10倍(bei)的昆(kun)侖(lun)玻(bo)璃(li)外屏。内屏展(zhan)開(kai)後(hou)是7.85英寸2496×2224分辨率的可折叠柔(rou)性(xing)OLED屏,同样支持120Hz刷新率和1440Hz高频PWM调光。

影(ying)像(xiang)上,华为Mate X3后置XMAGE三攝(she)影像模(mo)組(zu),5000万像素超感(gan)知(zhi)主摄+1300万像素超廣(guang)角(jiao)+1200万像素潛(qian)望(wang)式长焦(jiao)的全焦段组合。支持5倍光學(xue)變(bian)焦、最高50倍数字(zi)变焦,这也是华为首次在轻薄(bo)大屏折叠手机上实现了5倍的潜望式长焦。


Mate X3的電(dian)池(chi)容(rong)量最高达到了5060mAh(Mate X3典藏(zang)版),还是矽(gui)碳(tan)負(fu)极电池,支持66W有线+50W无线双快(kuai)充(chong)+反(fan)向充电,充电方(fang)式多样便捷(jie)。在1%的低电量下,会智能啟(qi)動(dong)应急(ji)模式,最长可待(dai)机3小时,或(huo)支持12 分钟通話(hua),或亮(liang)碼(ma)10 次,或掃(sao)码4次,助(zhu)妳(ni)度过緊(jin)急关頭(tou)。

具(ju)体价格方面,华为Mate X3的256G版售价12999元,12+512G版售价13999元,1TB的Mate X3典藏版售价15999元,將(jiang)于4月7日10:08开售。盡(jin)管这个价格相比友商还是贵了不少,和三星Galaxy Z Fold4的上市价相同,不过和自家(jia)的上代机型Mate X2相比,Mate X3还是便宜了5000元。

华为MateX3正式发布,定价和三星持平(ping),底气十足。12999元的价格和三星Galaxy Z Fold4上市价相同,是目前市面上最贵的骁龙8+折叠屏手机。昆仑玻璃+IPX8防水的双重防護(hu),拍(pai)照(zhao)也不錯(cuo),且轻至239克。你覺(jiao)得Mate X3怎(zen)麽(me)样,如果要買(mai)折叠屏手机的话,会考(kao)慮(lv)它(ta)嗎(ma)?返(fan)回(hui)搜(sou)狐(hu),查(zha)看更多

