robynn and kendy

Robynn and Kendy: The Making of a Musical Duo

Robynn Yip and Kendy Suen, better known as Robynn and Kendy, are a musical duo hailing from Hong Kong. Their unique blend of folk, pop, and indie music has garnered them a dedicated following both in Hong Kong and abroad. In this article, we will take a closer look at the duo's background, their music, and what sets them apart from other artists in the industry.


Robynn and Kendy first met in 2007 while studying at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. They quickly bonded over their shared love of music and started performing together at various on-campus events. After graduation, the pair continued to perform together at local bars and cafes, eventually catching the attention of industry professionals.

In 2012, Robynn and Kendy signed with Sony Music Hong Kong and released their debut album,"L.U.C.K." The album featured a mix of original songs and covers, showcasing the duo's musical versatility and creativity. It was a commercial success, cementing their status as rising stars in the Hong Kong music scene.


Robynn and Kendy's music is characterized by their unique blend of folk, pop, and indie influences. Their lyrics often touch on themes of love, growth, and self-discovery, resonating with listeners of all ages and backgrounds.

One of the duo's most popular songs,"The Only One Who Knows Me," is a heartfelt ballad that speaks to the power of genuine human connection. The song's simple, yet powerful melody and lyrics have made it a favorite among fans, earning over 10 million views on YouTube.

Another standout track from the duo is"Do You Really Think I'm Different?" The song, which addresses issues of identity and acceptance, features a catchy pop beat and relatable lyrics that have struck a chord with listeners worldwide.

What Sets Them Apart

What sets Robynn and Kendy apart from other artists in the industry is their commitment to authenticity and vulnerability. The duo's music is deeply personal and reflects their own struggles and triumphs. They are not afraid to tackle difficult subjects or explore the complexities of the human experience, making their music relatable and impactful.

Furthermore, Robynn and Kendy are passionate about using their platform to inspire positive change in the world. They have contributed to various social causes, including mental health awareness and environmental sustainability, and are vocal advocates for social justice and equality.


Robynn and Kendy are a musical duo that has captured the hearts of fans worldwide with their unique sound and meaningful lyrics. Their commitment to authenticity and social advocacy has made them a force to be reckoned with in the music industry. As they continue to grow and evolve as artists, we can't wait to see what they have in store for the future.

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