
Who is the Vivo New York advertisement female protagonist?

Recently, Vivo has released a new advertisement featuring a Chinese woman in New York City. The protagonist is shown enjoying the city, taking pictures with her Vivo smartphone, and meeting with friends. Her cheerful personality and beautiful appearance have caught the attention of many viewers.

Although her name is not revealed in the advertisement, there are rumors that the woman is a popular influencer in China. She has a large following on social media and is known for her fashion sense and lifestyle. The Vivo advertisement showcases her as a confident, independent woman who is living her best life in New York City.

Overall, the Vivo New York advertisement female protagonist has become a hot topic in China's online community. Her relatable personality and fashionable appearance have made her a role model for many young women.


What does the Vivo advertisement say about the brand?

The Vivo New York advertisement is not just about the female protagonist; it also showcases the features of the Vivo smartphone. The advertisement highlights the phone's camera quality, battery life, and sleek design. By showing the protagonist taking pictures and using the phone throughout her day, the advertisement implies that the Vivo smartphone is an essential tool for modern, stylish women.

Additionally, the advertisement emphasizes the idea of freedom and independence. The protagonist is shown exploring the city, meeting with friends, and enjoying her life on her own terms. This message resonates with the younger generation, who value experiences and individuality over traditional societal expectations.

In conclusion, the Vivo New York advertisement is a clever combination of product promotion and lifestyle branding. The advertisement's relatable protagonist and empowering message make the Vivo smartphone an attractive choice for young, independent women.


How does the Vivo advertisement comply with China's advertising laws?

In China, advertising laws are strict and closely monitored by government agencies. The Vivo New York advertisement is no exception; it follows all the rules and regulations set forth by the government.

The advertisement does not make any false or exaggerated claims about the Vivo smartphone. It showcases the phone's features in a realistic way, without using any hype or buzzwords. Additionally, the advertisement does not use any superlatives, such as"the best" or"the most," which are prohibited by Chinese advertising laws.

The advertisement also complies with China's regulations on celebrity endorsements. Although the female protagonist is a popular influencer, her name is not revealed in the advertisement, and she does not explicitly endorse the Vivo smartphone. This approach avoids any potential issues with false or misleading endorsements.

Overall, the Vivo New York advertisement is a prime example of how companies can create effective and compelling advertising while still complying with China's strict regulations.



The Vivo New York advertisement featuring the female protagonist has become a popular topic in China's online community. The protagonist's relatable personality and fashionable appearance have made her a role model for many young women. The advertisement effectively showcases the features of the Vivo smartphone while also promoting a message of freedom and independence. Additionally, the advertisement complies with China's strict advertising laws, making it a model for other companies to follow.














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DSCC报告稱(cheng),2023年6月的iPhone 15面板订单预计将比(bi)去(qu)年同(tong)期(qi)iPhone 14面板订单高(gao)出(chu)100%,具(ju)體(ti)iPhone 15系列面板订单中(zhong),Pro型號(hao)占(zhan)比達(da)58%,遠(yuan)高於(yu)去年同期iPhone 14 Pro的43%,換(huan)言(yan)之(zhi)今年iPhone 15系列中iPhone 15 Pro或(huo)為(wei)主打。

回(hui)顾下(xia)iPhone 13系列、14系列的表(biao)現(xian),就(jiu)去年全(quan)球(qiu)市(shi)場(chang)銷(xiao)量来說(shuo):iPhone 13>iPhone 13 Pro Max>iPhone 13 Pro>iPhone 13 mini;iPhone 14 Pro Max>iPhone 14>iPhone 14 Pro>iPhone 14 Plus。兩(liang)代(dai)要(yao)麽(me)是標(biao)準(zhun)版(ban)賣(mai)更(geng)好(hao),要么是最大(da)杯(bei)Pro Max销量更好,iPhone 15系列如(ru)果主打15 Pro,會(hui)不(bu)会壓(ya)錯(cuo)寶(bao)???


