
Brand Advertising Success Stories in 2020: How Companies are Winning with Effective Campaigns

Brand advertising is essential in today's competitive market. With so many companies vying for customer attention, it's crucial to create a compelling campaign that resonates with your target audience. In 2020, many companies have achieved success with their brand advertising campaigns. Let's take a look at some of the top success stories and what we can learn from them.

Case Study 1: Nike's"You Can't Stop Us"

In July 2020, Nike released its"You Can't Stop Us" campaign, which featured athletes from various sports and backgrounds. The campaign aimed to inspire people to overcome challenges and push beyond their limits. The ad's message was particularly relevant in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, as people were struggling with new restrictions and uncertainties.

Nike ad featuring athletes

The ad's powerful message and stunning visuals resonated with viewers, earning millions of views and shares on social media. Nike's campaign was successful because it tapped into people's emotions and connected with them on a deeper level. It also showcased Nike's values as a brand - inspiring people to be their best selves and never give up.

Case Study 2: Coca-Cola's"Open Like Never Before"

In August 2020, Coca-Cola launched its"Open Like Never Before" campaign, which aimed to encourage people to open up to new possibilities and experiences. The campaign featured a variety of ads showcasing people enjoying Coca-Cola in unique and unexpected ways.

Coca-Cola ad featuring people enjoying the drink

The campaign was successful because it spoke to people's desire for new experiences and a sense of connection. Coca-Cola's ads showed people coming together and enjoying the drink in a variety of settings, which resonated with viewers who were missing social connections during the pandemic.

Case Study 3: Apple's"The Whole Working-From-Home Thing"

In April 2020, Apple released a new ad titled"The Whole Working-From-Home Thing" that showcased the versatility of its products and how they could help people work from home more efficiently. The ad featured footage of people using Apple products to work, create, and connect with others.

Apple ad featuring people using Apple products

The ad was successful because it spoke to the needs of people who were suddenly working from home due to the pandemic. Apple's products were shown as tools that could help people stay productive and connected, which resonated with viewers who were struggling with new work setups.


These brand advertising success stories show us that effective campaigns tap into people's emotions and connect with them on a deeper level. They also showcase the values and personality of the brand, which helps to build trust and loyalty with customers. In 2020, brands that were able to pivot quickly and create relevant campaigns for the times were the most successful. By understanding their audience and their needs, brands can create campaigns that resonate and inspire.














想要在(zai)游戏中(zhong)有(you)更(geng)加(jia)畅快(kuai)的(de)體(ti)驗(yan),游戏本(ben)並(bing)不(bu)是(shi)壹(yi)個(ge)很(hen)好(hao)的选擇(ze),所(suo)以(yi)會(hui)有很多(duo)喜(xi)歡(huan)大型(xing)網(wang)游的玩家(jia)选择台式机。如(ru)果(guo)妳(ni)想擁(yong)有一台性(xing)能(neng)爆(bao)表(biao)的台式主机,快來(lai)看(kan)看宁美-魂-GI7,產(chan)品(pin)搭(da)載(zai)第(di)十(shi)三(san)代(dai)酷(ku)睿(rui)i7-13700F處(chu)理(li)器(qi),還(hai)拥有RTX4060Ti 8G獨(du)顯(xian),各(ge)種(zhong)游戏大作統(tong)统拿(na)下(xia),目(mu)前(qian)正(zheng)值(zhi)618,是入(ru)手(shou)的好時(shi)机。


宁美-魂-GI7搭载了微(wei)星(xing)萬(wan)圖(tu)師(shi) RTX4060Ti 8G显卡(ka),滿(man)足(zu)stable diffusion AI繪(hui)畫(hua)工具(ju)要求(qiu),真(zhen)生(sheng)产力(li)工具。40系(xi)列(lie)显卡支(zhi)持(chi)DLSS3.0,也(ye)可以勝(sheng)任(ren)《永(yong)劫(jie)無(wu)間(jian)》《絕(jue)地(di)求生》《英(ying)雄(xiong)聯(lian)盟(meng)》等(deng)大部(bu)分(fen)3A游戏2K下流(liu)畅運(yun)行(xing),為(wei)玩家帶(dai)来更加炫(xuan)酷的游戏体验。而(er)且(qie),微星万图师 RTX4060Ti 8G独显采用智(zhi)能啟(qi)停(ting)功(gong)能,在低(di)功耗(hao)运行时風(feng)扇(shan)停轉(zhuan)显卡幾(ji)乎(hu)0噪(zao)音(yin)。

在存(cun)儲(chu)方面,宁美-魂-GI7采用了金(jin)士(shi)頓(dun)NV2固(gu)態(tai)硬(ying)盤(pan),采用PCIE4.0協(xie)議(yi),讀(du)取(qu)速(su)度(du)高达3500MB/s,寫(xie)入速度约2100MB/s。在進(jin)行大型图片(pian)视频素(su)材(cai)導(dao)入等設(she)計(ji)工作时速度更快。游戏場(chang)景(jing)加载相比SATA固态更快。1TB的固态硬盘更可讓(rang)人(ren)告(gao)別(bie)容(rong)量(liang)焦(jiao)慮(lv),储存无憂(you)。搭配(pei)16GB的DDR5內(nei)存,相比DDR4 3200频率提升约75%,D5内存作为電(dian)腦(nao)主机的新(xin)趨(qu)勢(shi),將(jiang)在未(wei)来市(shi)场中占(zhan)據(ju)主流。16G内存也可胜任大部分工作和游戏场景。


總(zong)的来說(shuo),宁美-魂-GI7从各方面都(dou)有著(zhe)極(ji)佳(jia)的表现,第十三代酷睿i7-13700F处理器,还拥有RTX4060Ti 8G独显,16GB的DDR5内存,都能給(gei)你带来絲(si)滑(hua)流畅的沈(chen)浸(jin)式游戏体验。當(dang)然(ran),不止(zhi)游戏,創(chuang)作渲染更是毫(hao)不費(fei)力,不要猶(you)豫(yu)了,快来京(jing)東(dong)宁美自(zi)營(ying)旗(qi)艦(jian)店(dian)进行搶(qiang)購(gou)吧(ba)!返(fan)回(hui)搜(sou)狐(hu),查(zha)看更多

