
Why Early Childhood Education is Important

Early childhood education is a crucial aspect of a child's development. It is during the first few years of life that a child's brain develops at an amazing rate. This is the time when a child learns to think, process information, and develop social skills. It is also during this time that children develop their sense of curiosity and creativity. As such, it is important to provide children with a safe and nurturing learning environment that encourages exploration and discovery.

A child learning through play

Research has shown that children who receive quality early childhood education are more likely to succeed academically and in life. In fact, studies have found that every dollar invested in early childhood education can yield up to $10 in economic benefits in the future. This is because early childhood education can help children develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in school and beyond.

Why Choose Our Early Childhood Education Programs

At our early childhood education center, we understand the importance of providing children with a safe and nurturing learning environment. Our programs are designed to encourage exploration and discovery, while also fostering social and emotional development.

A teacher and student engaged in learning

Our experienced and dedicated teachers are committed to helping children develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed academically and in life. We use a variety of teaching methods, including play-based learning, to ensure that every child receives the support and guidance they need to reach their full potential.

Our early childhood education programs are also designed to meet the highest standards of quality and safety. We have strict policies and procedures in place to ensure that every child is safe and protected at all times.

Enroll Your Child Today

If you are looking for a quality early childhood education program for your child, look no further than our center. We offer a range of programs to meet the needs of every family, including full-time and part-time options. Contact our customer service team today to learn more about our programs and to enroll your child.

Children playing and learning together

Investing in your child's early childhood education is one of the most important decisions you can make. By enrolling your child in our programs, you are giving them the tools and skills they need to succeed academically and in life. Don't wait, enroll your child today and give them the gift of a lifetime.









在2021年秋(qiu)季(ji)新(xin)品(pin)發(fa)布(bu)會(hui)上(shang),蘋(ping)果(guo)发布了(le)iPhone13系(xi)列(lie),其(qi)中(zhong)iPhone 13Pro系列終(zhong)於(yu)幫(bang)助(zhu)iPhone“普(pu)及(ji)”了高刷,使(shi)用(yong)了支(zhi)持(chi)10Hz-120Hz自(zi)適(shi)應(ying)刷新率(lv)的(de)ProMotion高刷屏(ping),擁(yong)有(you)12檔(dang)可(ke)自動(dong)調(tiao)節(jie)的刷新率。在屏幕(mu)刷新率上,iPhone终于追(zhui)平(ping)了安(an)卓(zhuo)手(shou)機(ji)。

继Promotion高刷之后,iPhone再迎史诗级升级,安卓手机的另(ling)外(wai)壹(yi)項(xiang)配(pei)置(zhi),也(ye)很(hen)快(kuai)会出(chu)現(xian)在iPhone上,那(na)就是(shi)潛(qian)望(wang)式(shi)長(chang)焦(jiao)鏡(jing)頭(tou)。2018年3月(yue)華(hua)為(wei)发布了P20 Pro,引(yin)領(ling)了长焦镜头的普及,此(ci)后在一些(xie)影(ying)像(xiang)旗(qi)艦(jian)上,长焦镜头進(jin)化(hua)成(cheng)潜望式长焦镜头,解(jie)決(jue)了手机“拍(pai)不(bu)遠(yuan)”的問(wen)題(ti)。

在今年,iPhone15系列也会配備(bei)潜望式长焦镜头,當(dang)然(ran)也不可能(neng)是全(quan)系配备,是为iPhone15Pro/Ultra這(zhe)兩(liang)款(kuan)旗舰机型(xing)所(suo)準(zhun)备的,或(huo)者(zhe)是机皇(huang)iPhone15 Ultra獨(du)占(zhan),以(yi)增(zeng)強(qiang)这款更(geng)名(ming)的超(chao)大(da)杯(bei)机型的競(jing)爭(zheng)力(li)。

業(ye)內(nei)人(ren)士(shi)爆(bao)料(liao),iPhone15 Pro/Ultra的潜望式长焦镜头由(you)LG Innotek和(he)家(jia)化電(dian)子(zi)提(ti)供(gong),两家的供应比(bi)例(li)分(fen)別(bie)为70%和30%。目(mu)前(qian)iPhone的1200萬(wan)像素(su)长焦镜头,由日(ri)本(ben)阿(e)爾(er)卑(bei)斯(si)供貨(huo)。

在iPhone13 Pro系列用上高刷屏后,不少(shao)果粉(fen)直(zhi)呼(hu)“真(zhen)香(xiang)”,原(yuan)因(yin)是高刷提升了使用體(ti)驗(yan)、旦(dan)用難(nan)回(hui),而(er)且(qie)自适应刷新率在很多(duo)場(chang)景(jing)下(xia)確(que)實(shi)提升了續(xu)航(hang)。以看(kan)視(shi)頻(pin)为例,iPhone13Pro系列会自动將(jiang)刷新率降(jiang)为30Hz,而非(fei)60Hz。



有了潜望式长焦镜头,再加(jia)上4800万像素主(zhu)摄,iPhone15Pro/Ultra的影像就不存(cun)在任(ren)何(he)短(duan)板(ban),可以PK任意(yi)一款安卓影像旗舰。另外iPhone15Pro/Ultra还会搭(da)載(zai)臺(tai)積(ji)电3nm工(gong)藝(yi)的A17芯(xin)片,内存由6G提升到8G,整(zheng)体配置相比iPhone14 Pro系列提升了一大截(jie)。


外媒(mei)表(biao)示(shi),iPhone 15 Ultra的起(qi)售价将比iPhone 14 Pro Max高200美元,達(da)到1299美元,成为史上最貴(gui)iPhone。参考(kao)iPhone 14 Pro Max國(guo)行(xing)8999元的起售价,iPhone 15 Ultra“丐(gai)版(ban)”售价过万是毫(hao)無(wu)懸(xuan)念(nian)了。


