
Discover the Best Flavors of Wine with Our Exclusive Collection

Wine is not just a drink, it's an experience. And we understand that experience better than anyone else. Our exclusive collection of wines is handpicked from the world's best wineries, ensuring that every sip you take is a journey through the world of flavors and aromas. From classic reds to crisp whites, we have something for every palate. So why settle for ordinary when you can indulge in the extraordinary?

A glass of red wine with grapes in the background

Our wine collection is not just about taste, it's about quality too. We take pride in sourcing only the finest grapes and using the most advanced techniques to create wines that are truly exceptional. Whether you're looking for a bottle to uncork on a special occasion or just want to indulge in a glass of luxury after a long day, our collection has got you covered.

A vineyard with ripe grapes on the vines

Experience the Art of Wine-Making with Us

At our winery, we believe that wine-making is an art form. From the moment the grapes are harvested to the final bottling process, every step is carefully crafted to ensure that the end product is nothing short of perfection. Our team of experienced wine-makers work tirelessly to create wines that are not just delicious, but also tell a story.

A barrel room in a winery

When you choose our wines, you're not just choosing a drink, you're choosing an experience. Our wines are made for those who appreciate the finer things in life, and we take pride in creating wines that are as unique as our customers. So why not join us on a journey through the world of wine? We promise it'll be a journey you'll never forget.

Indulge in Luxury with Our Exclusive Wine Club

If you're a true wine enthusiast, then our exclusive wine club is the perfect way to indulge in luxury. As a member, you'll have access to our rarest and most exclusive wines, as well as invitations to private tastings and events. Our wine club is not just about the wine, it's about being a part of a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for the art of wine-making.

A wine tasting event

Membership to our wine club is limited, so don't miss your chance to join. Our team of experts will personally curate a collection of wines tailored to your tastes and preferences, ensuring that every bottle you receive is a true masterpiece. So why wait? Indulge in luxury today and join our exclusive wine club.


At our winery, wine is more than just a drink. It's an art form, a journey, and a community. We invite you to join us on a journey through the world of wine, where every sip is a new adventure. From our exclusive collection of wines to our wine club, we offer a truly unique experience that is sure to delight the senses. So why settle for ordinary when you can indulge in the extraordinary? Contact our customer service team today to learn more about our exclusive wines and become a part of our community of wine enthusiasts.













keaidejiaonangjinglingerciyuanzaoxing。·hailiangziyuan:jintiechaoliu,wangluofenxianglianggaodelingsheng,huizonggexingyouliuxingdeshenqu,qukuquan,shishigengxintadeyemianfeichangqingxinziran,gezhonggongnengyequanmianshengji。tianjialegezhongliuxingbiaoqiangongninshiyong。jiandancaozuo,shiyonglinghuo,shandianfuwu,anquanbianjiexiutanquanwangyinpinshipintupiandizhi,nixiangyaodeziyuan,womendounengqingsonghuoqu,ganjinlaitiyanba。第(di)24屆(jie)China P&E博(bo)覽(lan)會(hui)即(ji)將(jiang)開(kai)幕(mu),易(yi)攝(she)会國(guo)風(feng)摄影(ying)大(da)賽(sai)同(tong)期(qi)啟(qi)動(dong)

第24届中(zhong)国国際(ji)照(zhao)相(xiang)機(ji)械(xie)影像(xiang)器(qi)材(cai)與(yu)技(ji)術(shu)博览会(China P&E)即将於(yu)2023年(nian)5月(yue)12日(ri)至(zhi)5月15日在(zai)北(bei)京(jing)展(zhan)览館(guan)舉(ju)辦(ban)。作(zuo)為(wei)在国际上(shang)非(fei)常(chang)有(you)影響(xiang)力(li)的(de)影像器材全(quan)產(chan)業(ye)鏈(lian)品(pin)牌(pai)展会,China P&E吸(xi)引(yin)了(le)無(wu)數(shu)摄影愛(ai)好(hao)者(zhe)和(he)摄影器材商(shang)的參(can)与,也(ye)为摄影行(xing)业的發(fa)展提(ti)供(gong)了更(geng)多(duo)的交(jiao)流(liu)。熱(re)點(dian)科(ke)技也将在現(xian)場(chang)T302展臺(tai)为大家(jia)呈(cheng)现更多精(jing)彩(cai)內(nei)容(rong),同期易摄会還(hai)将启动国风摄影大赛,面(mian)向(xiang)眾(zhong)多摄影爱好者和專(zhuan)业人(ren)士(shi)征(zheng)集(ji)摄影作品,共(gong)同記(ji)錄(lu)和傳(chuan)播(bo)国风文(wen)化(hua)。


本(ben)次(ci)China P&E展会上,富(fu)士、佳(jia)能(neng)、尼(ni)康(kang)、奧(ao)之(zhi)心(xin)(奥林(lin)巴(ba)斯(si))等(deng)超(chao)過(guo)100家品牌商参展,其(qi)中,富士展台面積(ji)超过1000平(ping)米(mi),展览總(zong)面积遠(yuan)超2019年水(shui)平,富士攜(xie)GFX丨(shu)X雙(shuang)系(xi)全線(xian)产品亮(liang)相,富士膠(jiao)片(pian)GFX系列(lie)憑(ping)借(jie)其中畫(hua)幅(fu)的高(gao)分(fen)辨(bian)率(lv)、豐(feng)富的色(se)調(tiao)性(xing)能,實(shi)现真(zhen)实还原(yuan)拍(pai)摄现场的追(zhui)求(qiu);而(er)佳能帶(dai)來(lai)的普(pu)及(ji)型(xing)全画幅专微(wei)相机EOS R8兼(jian)具(ju)小(xiao)型輕(qing)量(liang)化与高性能,擁(yong)有非常出(chu)色的画質(zhi)表(biao)现、強(qiang)大的處(chu)理(li)需(xu)求且(qie)轻松(song)捕(bu)捉(zhuo)運(yun)动场景(jing);尼康旗(qi)艦(jian)微單(dan)数碼(ma)相机Z8,其大直(zhi)徑(jing)卡(ka)口(kou)和高速(su)連(lian)拍優(you)勢(shi),无論(lun)在何(he)種(zhong)復(fu)雜(za)情(qing)況(kuang)下(xia),均(jun)能记录下富有創(chuang)意(yi)的美(mei)麗(li)影像;奥之心的OM系統(tong)凭借全新(xin)的堆(dui)棧(zhan)式(shi)传感(gan)器与圖(tu)像处理引擎(qing)实现高画质、高速對(dui)焦(jiao)、高清(qing)視(shi)頻(pin)和便(bian)携性的完(wan)美結(jie)合(he)。爱普生(sheng)、閃(shan)迪(di)、雷(lei)克(ke)沙(sha)等影像輸(shu)出、存(cun)儲(chu)品牌厂商也系数到(dao)场,连闊(kuo)別(bie)三(san)年之久(jiu)的高精度(du)远程(cheng)光(guang)學(xue)制(zhi)造(zao)企(qi)业施(shi)華(hua)洛(luo)世(shi)奇(qi)也重(zhong)新回(hui)歸(gui)China P&E,並(bing)擴(kuo)大参展面积。

国内厂商則(ze)有智(zhi)雲(yun)、神(shen)牛(niu)、老蛙(wa)、百諾(nuo)等摄影器材配(pei)套(tao)企业。據(ju)悉(xi),今(jin)年新参展的国内企业超过20%以(yi)上,带来了更多切(qie)合需求、质优價(jia)廉(lian)的器材配件(jian)。此(ci)外(wai),本次China P&E展会上还有航(hang)拍輔(fu)助(zhu)器材、360°全景相机等新設(she)備(bei)厂商的到来。


参展觀(guan)众方(fang)面,据官(guan)方透(tou)露(lu)預(yu)登(deng)记人数也較(jiao)2019年同比(bi)增(zeng)長(chang)60%,海(hai)外观众註(zhu)冊(ce)量大幅增长,已(yi)超2019年数倍(bei),更有十(shi)余(yu)所(suo)高校(xiao)和多地(di)的摄影社(she)團(tuan)、机構(gou)提出組(zu)团参观需求。同時(shi),为了持(chi)續(xu)宣(xuan)传“影像无处不(bu)在”的主(zhu)題(ti),China P&E展会还将为到场观众举办多场摄影講(jiang)座(zuo)、試(shi)拍体验,展会现场国风、Cosplay、民(min)俗(su)表演(yan)等形(xing)式丰富多彩的各(ge)類(lei)活(huo)动,增加(jia)现场的参与感和互(hu)动感。



