精彩呈现!昆明 LED 广告屏

精彩呈现!昆明 LED 广告屏:如何用最佳的方式宣传你的业务

新一代数字广告:LED 广告屏

在数字营销领域,LED 广告屏是一种新兴的趋势。这是因为 LED 广告屏提供了更多的灵活性和可定制性,使企业能够以最佳方式展示其品牌信息。LED 显示屏还可以在室内和室外的各种环境中使用,因此可以吸引更多的观众,增加品牌知名度和销量。此外,LED 广告屏还可以提供更清晰、更明亮、更动态的图像和视频,从而更好地吸引观众的注意力。在现代社会中,人们愈发喜欢与数字设备交互。满足客户喜好,使用 LED 广告屏将成为企业营销的新常态。尤其是在昆明市这样一个热爱智能科技的地方,使用 LED 广告屏不仅可以满足广告宣传的要求,更可以满足与消费者的互动需求。


一个企业的广告需要吸引观众的注意力并展示品牌信息。LED 广告屏可以为企业提供一种很好的方式来展示他们的品牌信息。这是因为 LED 显示屏可以利用文本、图像和视频等各种媒介来呈现品牌信息。相较于传统广告形式,这些媒介更受到观众的关注,从而提高了企业的品牌知名度。一个好的企业标志或口号可以非常容易地在 LED 屏幕上进行展示。此外,LED 屏幕可以提供更具创意性的方式展示企业的商标、产品和服务,从而使其在消费者中留下深刻印象。


使用 LED 广告屏可以帮助吸引更多潜在客户,并增加销售额。这是因为 LED 屏幕可以展示各种促销信息、打折信息、礼品信息等,更能吸引消费者的注意力。广告宣传应该更加智能,通过 LED 显示屏,企业可以更好地管理和控制其广告内容,使其更符合营销策略。通过对广告的精细管理,企业可以更好地吸引目标受众,并提高销售额。

LED 广告屏可应用的地方

LED 广告屏可以应用于各种场所,以下列举几个常见的应用场景:


在繁忙的商业街道上,LED 屏幕可以吸引更多的人注意,并帮助推销产品和服务。通过在屏幕上展示打折、促销等信息,商家可以更好地提高销售额。


在机场和车站等拥有大量客流量的地方,LED 屏幕可以展示旅游服务、航空公司信息、餐饮服务等信息,更好地向潜在客户展示自己的产品和服务。


在体育场、演唱会等场馆内,LED 屏幕可以播放现场直播、赛事回放、演出节目等信息,吸引观众的注意力。这也能够为赞助商提供更好的宣传效果,帮助其提高品牌知名度。


在电影院里,LED 屏幕可以展示新片预告、即将上映的电影、票房排行榜等信息,吸引更多的观众。此外,LED 屏幕还可以作为广告品牌的投放渠道,提高投资回报率。

LED 广告屏的优点


LED 屏幕提供更高质量的图像和视频展示,与传统显示屏相比,其分辨率更高、亮度更高、颜色更真实。这使得广告更加生动、动态、有趣,能够更好地吸引观众的注意力。


企业可以根据需要设计巨型 LED 显示屏,使其更符合自己的产品。此外,LED 显示屏可以设计成各种形状和尺寸,满足所需场所的大小和形状要求。这种灵活性使得企业可以将产品更好地展示出来。


使用 LED 广告屏有很多好处。它可以提高品牌知名度、增加销售额,还可以应用于商业街、机场、车站、体育场和演出场馆等多个领域。LED 屏幕具有高质量的图像和视频、可定制性和灵活性等优点。因此,对于任何企业,选择使用 LED 广告屏是一种非常值得推荐的数字营销策略。问答话题:Q:哪些场所适合LED广告屏的应用?A:商业街、机场、车站、体育场和演出场馆等。Q:LED广告屏有哪些优点?A:高质量的图像和视频、可定制性和灵活性等优点。Q:LED广告屏有什么作用?A:提高品牌知名度、增加销售额,更好地展示企业产品和服务。

精彩呈现!昆明 LED 广告屏特色






精彩呈现!昆明 LED 广告屏亮点






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BEIJING, June 30 (TiPost)— The world’s No.1 food delivery service provider joined a heated artificial intelligence (AI) race with the biggest Artificial Intelligence-Generated Content (AIGC) deal in its homeland. The new effort was deemed as a brilliant move to kill two birds with one stone, as it is also a bailout for an ambitious newborn venture when its leader was unexpectedly forced to exit.

Credit:Visual China

Meituan announced that it has entered into the agreements of share purchase and equity transfer to acquire the entire interest in an AI startup Light Year Group. Meituan will pay about US$233.67 million in cash, including a payment of US$28 million to a previous investor HongShan, a spinoff of venture capital giant Sequoia, and assume liabilities of RMB366.92 million, according to a filing with the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on Thursday. Meituan will inherit about US$285 million of net cash owned by Light Year. Upon completion of the agreements, the Ai firm will become Meitan’s wholly-owned company.

Light Year is engaged in research and development of large language models (LLMs), which empower the popular generative AI products including ChatGPT. The startup was born with much attention in China’s tech sector as it was founded by Meituan’s co-founder Wang Huiwen, who invested in US$50 million as a controller and revealed US$230 million of subion funds from the leading venture capital obtained in February.

In a statement last Saturday, Meituan suddenly disclosed that Wang resigned as the non-executive director due to personal health. Future of Wang’s AI firm turned more uncertain. When Wang realized he had to quit all the jobs for he was surely not in good health, he talked with his team and investors about the health issue, and contacted with four companies, including Tencent, ByteDance, Meituan and Kuaishou, to work on a variety of possible solutions, according to GeekPark, a Chinese tech news media outlet.

The recent takeover of Light Year suggests that Meituan, led by Wang’s ally, will hold his legacy and step up exploration into AI. Wang and Meituan CEO Wang Xing are classmates at Tsinghua University and used to live in one room, where one of them slept at the top bunk and another at the bottom. After graduation, the duo co-founded Meituan and Xiaonei Network, a Facebook-like social media later renamed to Renren. In an open letter released following Wang Huiwen’s announcement of retiring from Meituan in late 2020, Wang Xing called his partner “a lifelong friend who can have collision of thoughts and soul conversations with me”.

Wang Xing’s action speaks even louder. He announced that he decided to join in Light Year’s Series A round of funding and serve as a director in March, a month right after the startup’s inception. “The AI model made me not only excited for the upcoming huge productivity that it creates, but also worries about its future impact on the whole world,” Wang posted at Tencent’s social media WeChat. “Wang (Huiwen) and I have been together on the road of entrepreneurship for nearly two decades. Since he is determined to embrace this big wave, I must support.”

Meituan’s board doesn’t expect the acquisition would have any material financial impact on the earnings, assets and liabilities of the company.The latest financial report showed Meituan has enough firepower to do a multi-million-dollar deal. Meituan held cash and cash equivalents of RMB26.9 billion and short-term treasury investments of RMB84.5 billion as of March 31.

The quarter ended March saw Meituan revenue increased 26.7% year-over-year (YoY) to RMB58.6 billion, and the operating loss for its New Initiatives, a segment including the community group buying platform Meituan Select and the online fresh grocery marketplace Meituan Grocery, continuously narrowed to RMB5.0 billion, with a 40.5% YoY decrease. The company vowed to continue to implement the"Retail + Technology" corporate strategy, leverage technology to bring new advancements and growth opportunities, fulfill its mission that"We help people eat better, live better", and create more value for all the participants in our ecosystem.返(fan)回(hui)搜(sou)狐(hu),查(zha)看(kan)更(geng)多(duo)

