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To take advantage of our promotion, simply visit our website and browse our selection of products. Once you've found what you're looking for, add it to your cart and enter the promo code at checkout. Our promotion is only available for a limited time, so don't wait too long to make your purchase!

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Remember, our promotion is only available for a limited time, so don't miss out on the best deals of the year! Shop with us today and save big on your favorite products.

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Thank you for considering our promotion. We are confident that you will find the best deals of the year on our website. Our goal is to provide you with a seamless shopping experience that saves you time and money. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. We look forward to serving you!













moxingshizudesongkuaidiwanfa,zaichengshidejiedaopinfandechuxian,jumindourenshini;qupujiaoxueyebijiaoquanmian,dajiadexuqiudoukeyidedaohenhaodimanzu。tiaozhandaliangderenwu,ziyoudemaoxian,nulizaichengshizhongshenghuo,bunengyingxiangshirongogaoduandezhandouwanfa,jinbaodeyuletiyan!【yinshipindehecheng】迪(di)哲(zhe)醫(yi)藥(yao)(688192.SH):DZD1516研(yan)究(jiu)成(cheng)果(guo)在(zai)《Breast Cancer Research》發(fa)表(biao)

智(zhi)通(tong)財(cai)經(jing)APP訊(xun),迪哲医药(688192.SH)发布(bu)公(gong)告(gao),公司(si)自(zi)主(zhu)研发的(de)DZD1516是(shi)壹(yi)種(zhong)高(gao)選(xuan)擇(ze)性(xing) HER2 酪(lao)氨(an)酸(suan)激(ji)酶(mei)抑(yi)制(zhi)劑(ji)(TKI),具(ju)備(bei)完(wan)全(quan)穿(chuan)透(tou)血(xue)腦(nao)屏(ping)障(zhang)的能(neng)力(li)。近(jin)日(ri),DZD1516在乳(ru)腺(xian)癌(ai)領(ling)域(yu)取(qu)得(de)的臨(lin)床(chuang)前(qian)和(he) I 期(qi)临床研究成果在國(guo)際(ji)期刊(kan)《Breast Cancer Research》发表,進(jin)一步(bu)證(zheng)明(ming)了(le)DZD1516的药物(wu)潛(qian)力和研究價(jia)值(zhi)。

據(ju)悉(xi),《Breast Cancer Research》(《乳腺癌研究》)是全球(qiu)乳腺癌领域的重(zhong)要(yao)研究期刊,发表乳腺癌领域基(ji)礎(chu)研究、轉(zhuan)化(hua)科(ke)學(xue)和临床應(ying)用(yong)的全球重大(da)研究成果。在腫(zhong)瘤(liu)领域中(zhong),該(gai)期刊在全球範(fan)圍(wei)內(nei)的引(yin)用率(lv)和關(guan)註(zhu)度(du)位(wei)居(ju)前30%。

憑(ping)借(jie)優(you)異(yi)的临床數(shu)据和完全穿透血脑屏障的能力,DZD1516 的研究成果先(xian)後(hou)於(yu) 2021 年(nian) SABCS、2022 年 ASCO、ESMO 和 SABCS 等(deng)多(duo)個(ge)国际学術(shu)會(hui)議(yi)上(shang)发表,在乳腺领域獲(huo)廣(guang)泛(fan)关注。


