

As an experienced salesperson and skilled SEO content writer, I am excited to introduce you to our advertising and creative marketing company. Our company specializes in creating innovative and effective marketing strategies that help businesses achieve their goals. Our team is made up of experts in various fields, including design, copywriting, and digital marketing. We are committed to delivering exceptional results that exceed your expectations.

Marketing strategy

Our Services

Our advertising and creative marketing company offers a range of services to help businesses reach their target audience and achieve their goals. Our services include:

  • Strategy development: We work closely with our clients to develop customized marketing strategies that align with their business goals and target audience.
  • Branding and design: We create captivating visual identities that help businesses stand out in their industry and connect with their target audience.
  • Copywriting and content creation: Our team of skilled writers creates compelling and engaging content that resonates with your target audience and drives conversions.
  • Digital marketing: Our digital marketing experts use a variety of tactics, including SEO, PPC, and social media marketing, to help businesses reach their target audience and drive traffic to their website.
  • Analysis and reporting: We provide regular reports and analysis to our clients, so they can see the impact of our marketing efforts and make informed decisions.
Digital marketing

Why Choose Us?

Our advertising and creative marketing company has a proven track record of delivering exceptional results for our clients. We take a collaborative approach, working closely with our clients to understand their unique needs and develop customized strategies that meet their goals. We are committed to delivering excellence in everything we do, from strategy development to implementation and analysis.

With our extensive experience in the industry, we have a deep understanding of the Chinese advertising laws and regulations. We ensure that all our marketing efforts comply with these regulations to protect our clients' interests and reputation.

At our advertising and creative marketing company, we are passionate about helping businesses achieve their goals. We are dedicated to delivering exceptional results that exceed our clients' expectations and help them stand out in their industry.


If you are looking for an advertising and creative marketing company to help you achieve your business goals, look no further. Our team of experts is here to help you develop customized strategies that deliver exceptional results. Contact our customer service team today to learn more about our services and how we can help you grow your business.








<随心_句子c><随心_句子c><随心_句子c><随心_句子c><随心_句子c>騰(teng)訊(xun)投(tou)資(zi)《極(ji)限(xian)競(jing)速(su):地(di)平(ping)線(xian)》前(qian)主(zhu)創(chuang)工(gong)作(zuo)室(shi),將(jiang)開(kai)發(fa)原(yuan)创 3A 遊(you)戲(xi)

IT之(zhi)家(jia) 7 月(yue) 5 日(ri)消(xiao)息(xi),據(ju) GamesIndustry 報(bao)道(dao),Playground Games 聯(lian)合(he)创始(shi)人(ren)、《极限竞速:地平线》前主创 Gaving Raeburn 今(jin)年(nian) 3 月宣(xuan)布(bu)在(zai)英(ying)國(guo)成(cheng)立(li)壹(yi)個(ge)全(quan)新(xin)的(de)游戏工作室 Lighthouse Games。近(jin)日,該(gai)公(gong)司(si)表(biao)示(shi)已(yi)獲(huo)得(de)腾讯的投资,具(ju)體(ti)金(jin)額(e)並(bing)未(wei)透(tou)露(lu)。

Raeburn 表示,雖(sui)然(ran)接(jie)受(shou)了(le)腾讯投资,但(dan) Lighthouse Games 仍(reng)将完(wan)全控(kong)制(zhi)其(qi)游戏创意(yi)和(he)发行(xing)決(jue)策(ce),這(zhe)些(xie)资金将用(yong)於(yu)投资新技(ji)術(shu)和招(zhao)聘(pin)人才(cai)。

Raeburn 稱(cheng):“这項(xiang)投资是(shi)財(cai)務(wu)性(xing)的,我(wo)們(men)保(bao)留(liu)了對(dui)游戏和工作室命(ming)運(yun)的控制權(quan),同(tong)時(shi)我们也(ye)期(qi)待(dai)與(yu)腾讯建(jian)立牢(lao)固(gu)的联系(xi)。”他(ta)還(hai)称有(you)許(xu)多(duo)公司都(dou)曾(zeng)联系这家工作室,以(yi)了解(jie)其計(ji)劃(hua)的更(geng)多信(xin)息,但最(zui)終(zhong)腾讯“為(wei)我们提(ti)供(gong)了一筆(bi)真(zhen)正(zheng)符(fu)合我们願(yuan)景(jing)的交(jiao)易(yi)。”


Raeburn 最後(hou)表示:“枷(jia)鎖(suo)被(bei)解除(chu)了,感(gan)覺(jiao)我们真正自(zi)由(you)了。”

IT之家此前报道,Lighthouse Games 由 30 名(ming)经验豐(feng)富(fu)的资深(shen)游戏开发者(zhe)組(zu)成,目(mu)前正在开发一款(kuan)原创 IP 的 3A 游戏,但尚(shang)未公布该 IP 的具体信息。返(fan)回(hui)搜(sou)狐(hu),查(zha)看(kan)更多

