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CCTV News: Bringing You the News from China and Around the World

CCTV News is a leading source of news and information from China and around the world. With a team of experienced reporters and correspondents based in key locations around the globe, CCTV News delivers up-to-the-minute coverage of breaking news, in-depth analysis of important issues, and exclusive interviews with newsmakers.


As a viewer of CCTV News, you can expect to receive the most accurate and reliable news coverage available. Our team of reporters and correspondents are dedicated to bringing you the facts, and our commitment to journalistic integrity means that you can trust us to provide unbiased coverage of events both big and small.

CCTV News reporters

The Benefits of Watching CCTV News

There are many benefits to watching CCTV News, including:

  • Access to breaking news and important events from around the world
  • In-depth analysis of key issues affecting China and the global community
  • Exclusive interviews with newsmakers, experts, and analysts
  • Insight into the latest developments in business, finance, and technology
  • Reporting on social, cultural, and environmental issues that impact our world

With our 24-hour news coverage, you can stay informed about the latest events and developments, no matter where you are in the world. Whether you're at home or on the go, you can tune in to CCTV News to get the news and information you need.

How to Tune in to CCTV News

If you're interested in watching CCTV News, there are several ways to do so. You can tune in to our broadcasts on television, whether you're in China or abroad. We also offer live streaming of our news coverage on our website, so you can stay informed no matter where you are.

CCTV News on TV

If you have any questions about how to tune in to CCTV News, or if you have any feedback about our coverage, please don't hesitate to contact our customer service team. They are available 24/7 to answer your questions and provide support.


If you're looking for a reliable source of news and information from China and around the world, look no further than CCTV News. With our experienced team of reporters and correspondents, 24-hour coverage, and commitment to journalistic integrity, you can trust us to provide you with accurate and unbiased news coverage. Tune in to CCTV News today and stay informed about the latest events and developments.

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cctv news广告词亮点







新(xin)京(jing)報(bao)訊(xun) 據(ju)證(zheng)監(jian)會(hui)發(fa)布(bu)消(xiao)息(xi),近(jin)年(nian)來(lai),金融管理部门堅(jian)持(chi)发展(zhan)和(he)規(gui)範(fan)並(bing)重(zhong),建(jian)立(li)健(jian)全(quan)平(ping)臺(tai)經(jing)濟(ji)治(zhi)理體(ti)系(xi),出(chu)台壹(yi)系列(lie)制(zhi)度(du)辦(ban)法(fa),初(chu)步(bu)形(xing)成(cheng)平台企(qi)業(ye)金融业務(wu)发展與(yu)监管制度框(kuang)架(jia),促(cu)進(jin)平台经济规范健康(kang)发展。2020年11月(yue)以(yi)来,從(cong)依(yi)法加(jia)強(qiang)监管和有(you)效(xiao)防(fang)范風(feng)險(xian)的(de)角(jiao)度出发,金融管理部门督(du)促指(zhi)導(dao)蚂蚁集团、騰(teng)讯集团等(deng)大(da)型(xing)平台企业全面(mian)整(zheng)改(gai)金融活(huo)動(dong)中(zhong)存(cun)在(zai)的違(wei)法违规問(wen)題(ti)。目(mu)前(qian),平台企业金融业务存在的大部分(fen)突(tu)出问题已(yi)完(wan)成整改。金融管理部门工(gong)作(zuo)重點(dian)从推(tui)动平台企业金融业务的集中整改轉(zhuan)入(ru)常(chang)態(tai)化(hua)监管。



編(bian)輯(ji) 毛(mao)天(tian)宇(yu)返(fan)回(hui)搜(sou)狐(hu),查看(kan)更多(duo)

