

Choosing healthy food is important for maintaining good health. People today are more aware of the importance of eating healthy, and as a result, they are seeking out healthy food options. This has led to the growth of the healthy food industry. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of healthy food and the top reasons why you should choose healthy food.Healthy Food

Benefits of healthy food

Healthy food is food that is good for your body and provides all the necessary nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Eating healthy food has many benefits, including:

  • Reduced risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer
  • Improved digestion and bowel function
  • Increased energy and improved mental alertness
  • Healthier skin, hair, and nails
  • Improved mood and reduced stress levels

Choosing healthy food is not just about losing weight but also about improving your overall health and wellbeing. By eating healthy, you can prevent disease and live a longer, healthier life.

Fresh Vegetables

Top reasons to choose healthy food

There are many reasons why you should choose healthy food. Here are some of the top reasons:

  1. Improved overall health: Eating healthy food can improve your overall health and wellbeing. It can prevent chronic diseases and help you live a longer, healthier life.
  2. Increased energy levels: Healthy food provides your body with the necessary nutrients and vitamins, which can help increase your energy levels and improve mental alertness.
  3. Better digestion: Healthy food is rich in fiber, which can improve digestion and bowel function.
  4. Weight management: Eating healthy food can help you maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of obesity and other weight-related health problems.
  5. Better mood: Research has shown that eating healthy food can improve your mood and reduce stress levels.

These are just a few reasons why you should choose healthy food. By making simple changes to your diet, you can reap the benefits of healthy eating.



Healthy food is important for maintaining good health. It provides your body with the necessary nutrients and vitamins to prevent chronic diseases and improve overall wellbeing. Choosing healthy food is not just about losing weight but also about improving your overall health. By making simple changes to your diet, you can reap the benefits of healthy eating.











这款手机是Unihertz Jelly2E,大家(jia)估(gu)計(ji)都(dou)沒(mei)聽(ting)說(shuo)過(guo)Unihertz这個(ge)牌(pai)子(zi),Unihertz是深(shen)圳(zhen)市東(dong)方(fang)藍(lan)通(tong)訊(xun)科(ke)技(ji)有限公(gong)司(si)旗(qi)下(xia)的手机品(pin)牌。Unihertz于2017年5月(yue)推出了Jelly系列首(shou)款机型(xing)—2.45英寸的Jelly迷(mi)妳(ni)手机,堅(jian)持(chi)做(zuo)小屏手机已(yi)經(jing)5年多(duo)了。

Unihertz Jelly2E的机身(shen)尺寸为95×49.4×16.5mm,重(zhong)量为110克(ke)。iPhone13mini的机身尺寸为131.5x64.2x7.65mm,重量为140克。看(kan)下上(shang)手照(zhao),就(jiu)知(zhi)道(dao)这款手机有多么小巧(qiao)了,給(gei)人(ren)的感(gan)覺(jiao)就跟(gen)小朋(peng)友(you)的電(dian)話(hua)玩(wan)具(ju)壹(yi)樣(yang)。輕(qing)松(song)單(dan)手操(cao)作(zuo)無(wu)压力(li),而且非常適(shi)合(he)攜(xie)帶(dai)。

配(pei)置(zhi)方面(mian),Unihertz Jelly 2E采(cai)用(yong)3英寸854x480像(xiang)素(su)的屏幕、不支(zhi)持高(gao)刷(shua)新(xin)率(lv),搭(da)載(zai)聯(lian)发科 的Helio A20處(chu)理器(qi),后置1600萬(wan)单攝(she),前(qian)置800万像素摄像頭(tou),2000mAh电池(chi)容(rong)量,4GB 運(yun)行(xing)內(nei)存(cun)+64GB机身存儲(chu),USB Type-C 接(jie)口(kou),搭载安卓12系統(tong)。

机身雖(sui)小,Unihertz Jelly 2E繼(ji)承(cheng)了國(guo)產(chan)手机的優(you)良(liang)傳(chuan)统,支持雙(shuang)實(shi)體(ti)4G卡(ka)。除(chu)此(ci)之外(wai)还保(bao)留(liu)了“先進(jin)”的3.5mm耳(er)机孔(kong),而且竟(jing)然还支持microSD卡进行机身储存擴(kuo)展(zhan)。

價(jia)格(ge)方面,Unihertz官(guan)網(wang)商品頁(ye)面顯(xian)示(shi),Unihertz Jelly 2E售价为159.99美(mei)元,折(zhe)合人民(min)幣(bi)約(yue)1125元。

Unihertz Jelly 2E的国行价格尚(shang)未(wei)出爐(lu),目(mu)前国内可(ke)以(yi)買(mai)到(dao)的是Unihertz Jelly 2,在某(mou)东Unihertz手机旗艦(jian)店(dian)上的售价为1438元(6+128G)。

Unihertz Jelly 2的商品評(ping)价为5000+,好(hao)评度(du)達(da)到了98%,说明(ming)用戶(hu)對(dui)于这款小屏手机还是比較(jiao)滿(man)意(yi)的。

单看性(xing)价比的话,Unihertz Jelly 2很(hen)明显不如(ru)主(zhu)流(liu)的安卓手机。以小米(mi)为例(li),其(qi)熱(re)销机型Redmi Note11T Pro的价格为1599元起(qi),天(tian)璣(ji)8100芯(xin)片(pian)、144Hz刷新率的LCD屏,后置6400万三(san)摄,67W快(kuai)充(chong),任(ren)何(he)一項(xiang)都是秒(miao)殺(sha)Unihertz Jelly 2的存在。

作为一款非常小眾(zhong)手机,Unihertz Jelly 2的优勢(shi)是3英寸的“復(fu)古(gu)”小屏,有著(zhe)極(ji)致(zhi)的单手操作体驗(yan)。市面上除了諾(nuo)基(ji)亞(ya),找(zhao)不出屏幕比Unihertz Jelly 2还小的手机了,诺基亚也只是功(gong)能(neng)机屏幕小,智(zhi)能手机的屏幕也都是常規(gui)的6英寸。


