
Nike’s 2017 Ad Campaign: Empowering Women of All Backgrounds

Nike has always been a brand that champions sports and athleticism, but in 2017, they decided to take their mission one step further by promoting female empowerment through their ad campaign. The campaign features women of all ages, races, and backgrounds, engaging in various sports and activities while facing societal challenges. This article will take a closer look at Nike’s 2017 ad campaign and how it aligns with the current cultural climate.


The ad campaign titled “What are girls made of?” features five women—two Muslim athletes, a biracial dancer, a plus-size model and a Paralympian. These women are shown pushing themselves physically and emotionally, while also challenging societal norms that restrict them based on their gender, race, or body type. The ad campaign is Nike’s push to redefine what it means to be a “real” or “proper” woman. In an era where women are constantly judged for their looks or told to act a certain way, Nike’s campaign is a breath of fresh air.


Breaking Stereotypes with Diversity and Inclusivity

One of the key messages of Nike’s ad campaign is diversity and inclusivity. By featuring women from different walks of life, Nike aims to break stereotypes and challenge the narrow definitions of beauty and athleticism. The ad campaign is also a nod to the power of women in sports, which is often overlooked or undervalued. Nike’s campaign shows how sports can be a tool for empowerment and how women can redefine their identities through sports.


Moreover, Nike’s ad campaign is also a reflection of the current cultural climate. In recent years, the world has witnessed a surge of gender and racial equality movements, and Nike’s campaign is a response to this shift. The ad campaign is not just about selling products, but also about promoting a message of inclusivity and empowerment that resonates with the younger generation.

The Impact of Nike’s Ad Campaign

Nike’s ad campaign has received widespread acclaim for its message of inclusivity and diversity. The campaign has sparked conversations around the world about the role of sports in empowering women and breaking stereotypes. Many women have shared their personal stories and experiences about how sports have helped them overcome societal barriers and redefine their identities. Nike’s campaign has become a symbol of hope for women who feel marginalized or oppressed, and it has shown that sports can be a powerful tool for social change.


In conclusion, Nike’s 2017 ad campaign is a beautiful tribute to the power of women in sports. The campaign is a testament to Nike’s commitment to promoting diversity and inclusivity, and it has set a new standard for how brands can use their platform to promote social change. Nike’s campaign is not just an ad but a movement that inspires women of all backgrounds to break free from societal norms and redefine their identities through sports.


















天玑8200采(cai)用1+3+4架(jia)構(gou)設(she)計(ji),其(qi)中(zhong)性(xing)能核(he)心(xin)是Cortex A78,最高(gao)主(zhu)頻(pin)達(da)到了3.1GHz,还有4顆(ke)能效(xiao)核心A55,主频是2.0GHz。


说完(wan)了天玑8200,咱们再(zai)来说说iQOO Neo7 SE。iQOO官方也对联发科的联動(dong)而有所(suo)反(fan)應(ying),同(tong)一時(shi)間(jian)宣布,将在12月2日14點(dian)30分发布iQOO Neo7 SE,并将全(quan)球(qiu)首发天玑8200处理器。

这裏(li)官方也放(fang)出(chu)了iQOO Neo7 SE的宣傳(chuan)視(shi)频,我(wo)们可(ke)以(yi)看到該(gai)机的设计真就延(yan)續(xu)iQOO Neo7的设计。

從(cong)现有消息来看,除(chu)了搭(da)載(zai)新一代的天玑8200外(wai),iQOO Neo7 SE还将搭载一塊(kuai)120Hz高刷(shua)OLED屏(ping),支(zhi)持(chi)120W閃(shan)充(chong)。

參(can)考(kao)上代Neo6 SE的定價(jia),1999元即(ji)使交(jiao)不了朋(peng)友(you),2299元的价格(ge)我覺(jiao)得也很(hen)不錯(cuo),具(ju)體(ti)什么价格那还是要(yao)等(deng)到12月2日那天才(cai)能知(zhi)曉(xiao)。

另(ling)外,在12月2日當(dang)天,可不止僅(jin)仅这款Neo7 SE,因(yin)為(wei)全新一代的iQOO 11在昨(zuo)天已(yi)經(jing)官宣了,Neo7 SE只能算(suan)是配(pei)菜(cai)。

根(gen)據(ju)官方公(gong)布的預(yu)熱(re)视频以及(ji)第(di)三(san)方渠(qu)道(dao),iQOO 11 Pro采用了曲(qu)面(mian)屏。結(jie)合(he)此前爆料的信(xin)息来看,这是Pro版(ban)本(ben),而標(biao)準(zhun)版采用直(zhi)屏。

海(hai)報(bao)还顯(xian)示(shi),iQOO 11系(xi)列(lie)采用了2K 144Hz E6屏幕(mu),最高支持200W有線(xian)闪充,还搭载了蓝厂自(zi)研(yan)芯片V2。

以上是该机的官方宣传圖(tu),相对iQOO 10系列顺眼(yan)許(xu)多。


