nike 创意广告you said

NIKE’s You Said Campaign: An Inspiring Message of Empowerment

NIKE has always been a brand that inspires people to push their limits and strive for excellence. In their latest campaign, You Said, they take this message of empowerment to a whole new level. The campaign is an homage to the voices that have inspired us, the voices that have told us we can’t do something, and the voices that we use to inspire others. It’s a powerful message that resonates with people all over the world.


The You Said campaign features a series of video clips, each highlighting a different athlete and their personal journey. From Serena Williams to LeBron James, the athletes share their stories of overcoming adversity, pushing through pain, and achieving their goals. The message is clear: we all have voices in our head that try to hold us back, but it’s up to us to push through that negativity and achieve greatness.

The Empowering Message of You Said

The You Said campaign is about more than just selling products; it’s about inspiring people to be their best selves. The campaign encourages us to push past our fears, to ignore the voices that tell us we can’t, and to keep striving for our dreams. It’s a message that everyone can relate to, regardless of their age or background.


NIKE has always been a brand that celebrates athletes of all levels, from the professionals to the weekend warriors. The You Said campaign is no exception. It’s a celebration of all the hard work, dedication, and sacrifice that goes into achieving your goals. It’s a campaign that inspires us to be better, to push ourselves further, and to never give up.


The You Said campaign is a testament to the power of positivity and the human spirit. It’s a message that reminds us that we are all capable of achieving greatness if we put our minds to it. Whether you’re an athlete or just someone looking for a little inspiration, the You Said campaign is sure to leave you feeling motivated and empowered. So go ahead, push past your limits, and show the world what you’re made of.


nike 创意广告you said特色






nike 创意广告you said亮点







IT之家(jia) 7 月(yue) 7 日(ri)消(xiao)息(xi),“海洋之门”勘探公司(OceanGate Expeditions)官(guan)網(wang)顯(xian)示(shi)已(yi)暂停所有勘探和商业运营。

IT之家從(cong)官网獲(huo)取(qu)到(dao),此(ci)前(qian)該(gai)公司推(tui)出(chu)了(le)“泰坦尼克号”残骸观光业務(wu),導(dao)致(zhi) 5 人(ren)遇(yu)難(nan),分(fen)別(bie)為(wei)「海洋之门」CEO、英(ying)國(guo)商人和探險(xian)家 Hamish Harding、英国富(fu)商 Shahzada Dawood 和他(ta) 19 歲(sui)的(de)兒(er)子(zi),還(hai)有法(fa)国泰坦尼克号專(zhuan)家 Paul-Henri Nargeolet。

據(ju)了解(jie),该观光項(xiang)目(mu)壹(yi)張(zhang)门票(piao)为 25 萬(wan)美(mei)元(yuan)(約(yue) 180 万元人民(min)幣(bi)),因(yin)此參(can)加(jia)的都(dou)是(shi)豪(hao)奢(she)人士(shi)。北(bei)京(jing)時(shi)間(jian) 6 月 23 日淩(ling)晨(chen) 3 點(dian),搜(sou)救(jiu)人員(yuan)使(shi)用(yong)遙(yao)控(kong)探測(ce)器(qi)在(zai)距(ju)離(li)“泰坦尼克”号残骸不(bu)遠(yuan)的海底(di)發(fa)現(xian)了五(wu)塊(kuai)破(po)碎(sui)部(bu)件(jian),這(zhe)些(xie)碎片(pian)與(yu)深(shen)潛(qian)器发生(sheng)災(zai)难性(xing)爆(bao)炸(zha)的跡(ji)象(xiang)相(xiang)吻(wen)合(he)。



