

Yttv, which stands for YouTube TV, is a popular streaming service that allows users to watch live and recorded TV channels on their computer, mobile device, or smart TV. Launched in 2017, Yttv has quickly become a go-to option for people looking to cut the cord with traditional cable and satellite TV providers. This article will explore what Yttv is, how it works, and why it's worth considering as a streaming option.

What is Yttv?

Yttv is a subscription-based streaming service that provides access to over 85 live TV channels, including ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, ESPN, and more. It also offers a cloud DVR feature, allowing users to record and store their favorite shows and movies for later viewing. Yttv is available on a variety of devices, including computers, mobile devices, and smart TVs, making it a versatile option for streaming when and where you want.

How Does Yttv Work?

To use Yttv, you'll need to sign up for a subscription, which currently costs $64.99 per month. Once you've signed up, you can access the service on your computer or by downloading the Yttv app on your mobile device or smart TV. From there, you can browse available channels, record shows to your cloud DVR, and stream live TV. Yttv also offers a variety of add-on features, such as premium channels like HBO and Showtime, for an additional fee.

Why Choose Yttv?

There are several reasons why Yttv is worth considering as a streaming option. First and foremost, it offers a wide selection of live TV channels, including local broadcast networks, sports channels, and cable channels. Additionally, its cloud DVR feature allows you to record and store shows for later viewing, which can be especially useful for people with busy schedules who can't always watch live TV. Yttv is also available on a variety of devices, making it a convenient option for streaming on the go or at home.


Overall, Yttv is a great option for people looking to cut the cord with traditional cable and satellite TV providers. It offers a wide selection of live TV channels, a cloud DVR feature, and is available on a variety of devices. While it may not be the cheapest streaming option out there, its versatility and convenience make it a worthwhile investment for many people.

If you're considering Yttv as a streaming option, be sure to weigh the pros and cons and compare it to other services to determine if it's the right choice for you.









IT之(zhi)家(jia) 7 月(yue) 8 日(ri)消(xiao)息(xi),據(ju)央(yang)視(shi)新(xin)聞(wen)報(bao)道(dao),北京(jing)大學(xue)、清华大学今(jin)日起(qi)对提(ti)前(qian)预约的(de)遊(you)客(ke)开放参观,以(yi)滿(man)足(zu)暑(shu)假(jia)期(qi)間(jian)的公众参观需求(qiu)。

▲ 参观清华微信小程序

北京大学規(gui)定(ding),游客可(ke)提前 7 日通过“参观北大”微信小程序或(huo)掃(sao)描(miao)微信小程序碼(ma)進(jin)行(xing)预约,预约成(cheng)功(gong)後(hou),参观當(dang)天(tian)可攜(xie)帶(dai)有(you)效(xiao)證(zheng)件(jian)由(you)校(xiao)園(yuan)参观專(zhuan)用(yong)通道刷(shua)臉(lian)入(ru)校。

清华大学规定,校园对外(wai)开放参观時(shi)间為(wei) 7 月 8 日至(zhi) 8 月 6 日,個(ge)人(ren)参观可通过“参观清华”微信小程序进行實(shi)名(ming)预约,可预约当天及(ji)未(wei)來(lai) 7 天参观,预约成功后持(chi)身(shen)份(fen)证從(cong)学校参观专用通道經(jing)身份核(he)驗(yan)和(he)安(an)檢(jian)后进校参观。对於(yu)團(tuan)隊(dui)参观需求,清华规定可预约未来 14 天参观,且(qie)僅(jin)面(mian)向(xiang)中(zhong)小学生(sheng)群(qun)體(ti)开放,预约主(zhu)体为中小学或教(jiao)育(yu)主管(guan)部(bu)門(men),预约成功后,持相(xiang)關(guan)材(cai)料(liao)经核验后入校。




