

When it comes to tea, the English are known to take their tea time seriously. But did you know that tea originated from China? Tea has been an integral part of Chinese culture for centuries. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of drinking tea, particularly English tea, and why it is a must-try for tea enthusiasts.


The History of English Tea

Tea was introduced to England in the 17th century by a Portuguese princess who married King Charles II. Since then, tea has been a staple beverage in English culture. The tradition of afternoon tea was popularized in the 19th century by Anna, the seventh Duchess of Bedford. She would invite friends over for tea and small sandwiches to curb her hunger between lunch and dinner. Afternoon tea soon became a fashionable social event and has since become a British custom.


English tea is typically served with milk and sugar. The most popular types of English tea are black tea, Earl Grey, and English Breakfast tea. English Breakfast tea is a blend of black teas from different regions, including Assam, Ceylon, and Kenya. Earl Grey, on the other hand, is a blend of black tea with bergamot oil, giving it a distinctive floral taste.

The Benefits of Drinking English Tea

Drinking tea has many health benefits. English tea, in particular, is packed with antioxidants that can help reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. It can also boost your immune system and aid in digestion. Studies have shown that drinking tea can improve mental alertness and reduce stress.


English tea is also a great alternative to coffee. It contains less caffeine and can provide a more calming effect. Drinking tea can also improve hydration, which is essential for maintaining good health. It is a low-calorie beverage that can help with weight management and can be enjoyed any time of the day.


English tea has a rich history and many health benefits. It is a must-try for tea enthusiasts and a great alternative to coffee. Whether you enjoy it in the morning or as an afternoon tea, English tea is a delicious and refreshing beverage that can improve your overall well-being.








